Sunday, September 27, 2009


so after 4 days (or so; can't be bothered checking) I have finally managed to find enough time to post because...

it's the

wait for it

wait for it


Yeah see I made it nice and bold, because it's like chocolate cake in the middle of lots of broccoli...

Broccoli is a FLOWER, although it's about as pretty as it tastes good. that question (is broccoli a flower) popped up in our science test and i was really happy because It felt good knowing that there was something I could do!

Holidays...freedom, getting up at 10:00 although my computer says it's 9:00, no homework except RE and noone yelling I LOST THE GAME in the middle of class.

Someone from class: I lost the game.
Me:*sigh* I lost the...hey I'm not even playing the game.
Others in class: You can't not be playing the game, because everytime you think of not playing the game you lose...just like how you can't win the game.
Me: wtf? why would you want to play a game you can't win? I personally only play games so that I can win.

Yay for blogging New Moon and Dan Bergstein's super cool predictions =].

What am I doing right now? what, you don't want to know? that can't be true...well i don't care because I will tell you any way...

I am on msn, bebo, facebook, AND oh and re-reading part 23 of blogging new moon... how do i do all this at once? well it's all thanks to the wonderful 'tabs' at the top of my screen...

unfortunately i only discovered that this year...wait no i'm not THAT smart. hehe my friend showed me how to use it this year so yeah, been using it ever since.

My top 5 (or something like that)books to read at the moment:

1. Brigands MC by Robert Muchamore ( I have been waiting for this book since forever!)
2. Eclipse ( before blogging Eclipse comes up)
3. Eagle day; also by Robert Muchamore (haven't got round to reading it yet)
4.Cat in the Hat (no I was just joking, but since this is top 5, I needed a couple more)
5. Any interesting book I find in the library ( *gasp* yes I do go to the library)

Reading is probably one of the top 5 things that I want to do in the holidays...wait no that list includes Bungee Jumping, going to mars to communicate with martians

OMG that gives me an idea for random thought of the minute!

I should write a letter to the Prime Minister or the principal because the Prime Minister is waay too busy... no wait, I'm going off the subject again... what was I going to say... oh yeah I should write a letter to someone asking them to take us on a school trip to Mars ! and it would be SOOO fun and we would play charades with the Martians where the martians pretend to be Martians....oh wait that wouldn't work... but wait there's always a back up ! we could eat mars bars with the martians and then we could drink some coke and they could be our best friends...unless they try to attack us, like in the movie...

well, there goes another one of my ingenious (i can't spell- thanks ashley for helping) plans to have fun, spoiled by a movie???

Inspirational quote that WILL get you somewhere in life :

"When I get sad, I just stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story." Barney Stinson

Inspirational quote that WON'T get you anywhere in life:

'use your tabbed browser thing; it helps' - Spiffy

any way gtaa get cracking on that letter if we want to go to mars in the future

Monday, September 21, 2009

Bugs Bunny

Can anyone spell torture in 3 letters? Well believe it or not I can ! the answer? SST. For those of you who don't know what that stands for, it is Social Studies, and I swear it can be worse than hell sometimes, i.e. when you have a big essay on Parihaka due...i think it is safe to say that i will fail.... that gives me an idea:

Top 4 things that I will fail:
#1 French speech,
#2 English test,
#3 science test,
#4 maths test,

and my honourable mentions that sadly just stopped short of making the list are:
- the art research
- health peer pressure article
- social studies essay
- english Bend it Like Beckham the hell are we supposed to find the literary qualities of a MOVIE !

So anyway now that I have finished my rant over homework and tests it is time for another:

Random thought of the minute:
Bugs Bunny is the awesomest looney tunes charactor EVER ! but although I tried really, really hard I still don't get how he can have a carrot that seems to last forever... and I also don't get why he says 'What's up doc' for everything... But who cares about that stuff... Bugs Bunny Rox ur grey and white [extremely furry, carrot-loving] sox

By the way if there is any way of buying a Parihaka essay...can you PLEASE tell me... I should check trade me !! yeah that's what i'll do !

Wise saying for the day that will get you absolutely nowhere in life:
'Homework is pointless' -Spiffy

You will thank me someday- or not


so now that I know that it works its time for....

DA Da Dun [ashley u remember that thing I do on the keyboard don't you?]


I just found out how pineapples are grown/ pineapple plants look like! See the hours I spent on farmville really payed off after all I mean how many people know that !?!

Believe it or not, that is an actual pineapple sticking up out of that plant...[am I the ONLY person who sees that in a wrong way?] wait no I don't want to twist your innocent *cough*cough* mind.

so that concludes my random thought of the second/minute !

Now with a sudden change of topic...I can't wait till the holidays...Everything is due this week *screams*, but after 4 days of extreme mental torture and minor harassment from my teachers I will have 2 glorious weeks of happiness before Term 4 and the much dreaded EXAMS!!!

People DO NOT DRIVE YOUR CAR TOMORROW it is international car free day so if you drive...i shall stalk you and um... ATTACK you so HA ! Let that be your final warning...

[By The Way please don't tell anyone that I will be going to school by car tomorrow =P]
and last but not least... i just noticed the time of the post is all wrong... i did not post this at 2 something AM, i mean seriously I have better things to do at that time... like maybe sleep
sleep sounds so good rite now so I can't be bothered typing anymore...And people all around the world who happen to be reading this sigh in relief...

Starter Post

ok so what do you do when you have the word 'random' in your blog title?

make a random post of course! this is just testing the thing so don't read this if you know what is good for you...

By the way the reason I picked 'Spiffy' in case you are really nosy and want to know it is my Hamster name [i make no sense but who cares]

yay finished post number um...we'll call this 1/2

Wendy is a pro at being a pro !