Monday, September 21, 2009


so now that I know that it works its time for....

DA Da Dun [ashley u remember that thing I do on the keyboard don't you?]


I just found out how pineapples are grown/ pineapple plants look like! See the hours I spent on farmville really payed off after all I mean how many people know that !?!

Believe it or not, that is an actual pineapple sticking up out of that plant...[am I the ONLY person who sees that in a wrong way?] wait no I don't want to twist your innocent *cough*cough* mind.

so that concludes my random thought of the second/minute !

Now with a sudden change of topic...I can't wait till the holidays...Everything is due this week *screams*, but after 4 days of extreme mental torture and minor harassment from my teachers I will have 2 glorious weeks of happiness before Term 4 and the much dreaded EXAMS!!!

People DO NOT DRIVE YOUR CAR TOMORROW it is international car free day so if you drive...i shall stalk you and um... ATTACK you so HA ! Let that be your final warning...

[By The Way please don't tell anyone that I will be going to school by car tomorrow =P]
and last but not least... i just noticed the time of the post is all wrong... i did not post this at 2 something AM, i mean seriously I have better things to do at that time... like maybe sleep
sleep sounds so good rite now so I can't be bothered typing anymore...And people all around the world who happen to be reading this sigh in relief...

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